Bledlow Ridge CC has been going for a lot of years, so you might have looked at the all time figures and barely recognised a name. Here we concentrate on who's been making it happen on the pitch for the last 5 years. We'll keep this page up to date on a rolling five year basis so it will always be contemporary.
Here you will find every run scored, wicket taken and catch caught in league and cup cricket over the last 5 years. There is no distinction between 1s and 2s (you can only play against what's in front of you). Below these figures, you will find a list of the top 30 partnerships for each team since (and including) 2015.Next to the list, is a log of who appears in it and how many times. 

To see all scores of 50 or more and all 5+ wicket hauls since 2012, click here. For all previous honours performances as documented by the Cherwell League, click here.

To access the full list of runs and wickets (2004 onwards) click here
All runs 2020-2024
All wickets 2020-2024
All catches 2020-2024