The Club Committee, as ratified at the AGM on the 14th January 2024, is constituted as follows:





Committee members

Vice Chairman

Club Captain           

Membership Secretary       

Facilities Manager

Juniors Manager               

Safeguarding Officer   


Playing Committee


Fixture Secretary

1st team captain                       

1st team vice captain                

2nd team captain  

2nd team vice captain     

Sunday captain            

David Wells

Mike Stevens

Ian Murdoch

Oli White

John Rolfe

Paul Cheshire

Oli White

Pam Rolfe

Club Captain

Club Secretary

Sam Rolfe

Alex Perry

Shaun Dryden

Ian Murdoch

Jovan Sahota

07774 822810

07802 464004

07525 911894

07979 530908

07976 297370

07971 781805

07979 530908

07887 582772

07552 211741

07525 911894

07984 660220

Message from The Chair, June 2019

In reviewing our Clubmark accreditation application, we have decided to remind users of our facilities of the basic rules and procedures to follow in order to make your participation in cricket a safe and enjoyable experience. Mostly, these are common sense. Please make yourself familiar with the following and help the club retain its Clubmark accreditation. 

No-one should operate club machinery without proper consideration of the risks involved and a briefing from someone with experience of its operation. Be aware that machines can inflict severe injury. Defective machinery should be reported to the management committee and should not be used until repaired. Ear defenders, face protection, protective boots and gloves should be worn in appropriate circumstances. Machines should only be used for the purpose for which they are intended.  Apart from the operator no-one should ride on moving machines such as the roller and mower. 

Bar staff should be aware of the risks of handling glass, of the operation of the pumps and the glass washing machine. Hot water can be very dangerous. No-one should put themselves at risk of injury by carrying or moving heavy objects such as full kegs of beer without adequate assistance. Drinks such as prosecco come in high pressure bottles and must be opened with care. 

Those carrying out work on the field and clubhouse should consider the risks they may be taking. No-one should use a ladder without an assistant in attendance. Moving the sight screens and covers should only be done when there are adequate numbers to do this safely. Sight screens can blow over in high winds ; trees may shed branches: everyone must keep clear of them in such weather conditions; 

We aim to have a safe environment for all members and visitors. Children in particular can come to harm if not supervised properly. Parents and guardians must ensure that their children do not climb on club equipment, and do not go into the equipment shed. Children using the village playground whilst visiting the club must be supervised by a parent or guardian. There is a busy road at the entrance to the club. Parents and guardians must supervise their children at all times and protect them from harm. 

The kitchen has the usual hazards as well as a hot water urn. It is impractical to keep the door of the kitchen closed at all times, and parents and guardians must ensure that their children do not go into the kitchen at any time 

Parents and guardians, please make your children aware of these risks and surpervise them at all times when they are not taking part in a club organised activity. 

Thank you for reading this through. Please help us to keep Bledlow Ridge Cricket Club a safe place for everyone.


Mike Beattie


June 2019

Back to League Cricket home page        For a list of life members and VPs, click here

The Club Constitution and other related policies can be accessed by clicking here

For details of age group coaches for the junior section, click here