Updated 17th July as follows
Cricket is resuming!! All games will be 40/40 win/lose and the following rules must be observed
Changing rooms will be closed at all clubs. Arrived changed and ideally no earlier that 20 mins before the start of the match.
Do not car share with anyone outside your household
Bring your own food and drink. Teas will not be provided
Maintain social distancing at all times or in line with ECB guidelines
There will be sanitation breaks every 20 mins or 6 overs. Hand sanitiser will be provided for home games
Do not use saliva or sweat to shine the ball
Do not share equipment
The ECB has issued a statement regarding the restart of some cricket activity and you can find the full document here.
In order to partially re-open our facility, there are some fairly onerous requirements placed upon the club, which should we be found not to be meeting, could result in us being forced to close down completely until the lockdown is lifted. Whilst you may find this a bit melodramatic, it would only take one disgruntled non cricketer with a phone walking around the outfield and we could find ourselves trying to explain to the police why we are not enforcing social distancing rules.
We are very keen that as many members as possible take advantage of the facility, but it is vitally important that you abide by the following rules that the club has set in place to comply with the ECB directives.
For the avoidance of doubt, these are not negotiable and not open to interpretation and if you need to ask any questions, contact John Rolfe (07976 297370) or Ian Murdoch (07525 911894).
Firstly and most importantly, if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of Covid 19, you must not come to the club and you should stay at home and self-isolate for at least 7 days. Click here for the latest government advice on Covid symptoms.
Last updated on the 10th June 2020.
The significant change is that you may now practice in groups of up to 6 rather than 2. All of the rules laid out below still apply and you should re-read them as there are some changes, in particular rule 5. As regards the group sizes, the following must be observed for net sessions.
Groups using the grass net can be up to 6 in number while the static net is restricted to 4 (unless an organised group with a coach which can be 5 plus the coach).
Bowlers should bowl 6 consecutive deliveries to the batter and then retire to a safe distance (a minimum of 2 metres from anyone not in their household), while the next bowler bowls 6 etc. Bowlers must not form a queue at the end of the net.
It is permissable to have more than one group (of 6 or 4) using the club at the same time provided they are suitably far apart. This means that is fine to have a group of 6 using the grass net and another of 4 using the static. For the time being however, this is the maximum number allowed except in the case of organised junior sessions.
The use of the ground for any cricket related activity is restricted to members of the club only*. This will be predominantly the nets but the same rules apply to anything done on the outfield.
* Members includes paid up playing members, paid up junior members and their parents.
All sessions must be booked in advance. This should be done by email by contacting John Rolfe or Ian Murdoch (preferably both) ideally at least one day before. Your booking is confirmed when you receive an acknowledgement. If it's a short notice booking, you can book by text, but again, your booking is not confirmed until you receive an acknowledgement. You cannot use the nets without an acknowledgement from one or other of the above mentioned. You can click on the names to send a mail or full contact details are below. All bookings must be made by a senior member, or parent of a junior member, who must be one of the people using the net. We cannot accept bookings for juniors alone.
The ECB requires that a 'club representative' be in attendance at all sessions, who will take responsibility for the session and ensure that all requirements are met. We have sought and received clarification from the ECB that any member of the club (as defined in 1.) may be deemed a representative of the club and as such, in making your booking, you are agreeing to the responsibilities of the club representative. It is possible (but not guaranteed) that the clubhouse may be open during your session and if so, may be used for access to the club first aid kit only. You should assume however that this is not the case and make suitable alternative arrangements i.e. make sure juniors have used toilet facilities at home, have a basic first aid kit available, always have a mobile phone to hand, bring suitable refreshments/hydration and make sure that all participants thoroughly wash their hands before and after sessions. There is a tap on the outside of the building (roadside) which is a mains feed and so can be used for drinking water. The club has performed a full risk assessment and check on the net facilities, but constant use causes wear and you are responsible for checking that the net is safe to use. If you feel it is not, you should not continue with the session and report your concerns to John Rolfe or Ian Murdoch. All sessions should be immediately terminated in the case of rain. You are also responsible for ensuring that all social distancing measures are adhered to and for closing off the session as outlined in 7. below.
The use of adjacent nets is not allowed so in the static nets, only the net nearest the clubhouse is to be used. The other net is closed until further notice. The mobile net must only be used on the cut strip but you must specify as such if you wish to use the mobile net. At time of writing, the mobile net is restricted to use on a Saturday to avoid excessive wear on the pitch. All bookings will be assumed to be for the static net unless otherwise specified.
All government issued rules on social distancing must be observed at all times. For the purpose of the use of nets, this means that a maximum of 6 people may use the net in any one session. Throughout the session you must remain at least 2 metres away from anyone in the group who is not a member of your household. Please note that household means the people you live with, not extended family. If the session is being run by a coach, they count as one of the 6 and have significant responsibilities to the group. Click here for more details. It is recommended groups in the static net should not be larger than 4 (unless an organised group including a coach) in order to maintain 2m distancing. Bowlers should bowl 6 consecutive balls to the batter, and then retreat a suitable distance while the next bowler does the same. Bowlers must not apply saliva or sweat to the ball and should use only balls that they have brought with them. Batters should kick or tap (with the bat) balls back to the bowler and not make hand contact with the ball (even when gloved).
Equipment should not be shared and no club equipment is available for use. Juniors must observe all ECB rules on protective equipment and in particular must wear an approved cricket helmet when batting.
At the end of your session you should wipe down any touch points with a wet wipe or similar and close off the net using the blue chord with the 'Closed' sign attached. If you have been using the mobile net, return it to the top right hand corner of the field (as seen from the clubhouse) and wipe down any touch points after pushing it there. Collect all your equipment and any litter and take it all home. Wash your hands thoroughly on returning home.
Use of the bowling machine
The bowling machine will only be available if there is a key holder present and cannot be guaranteed. If you are using it, you should thoroughly wipe down all touch points before and after use with disinfectant and cleanser (in the orange bucket in the shed). Gloves must be worn at all times when handling the bowling machine balls (there is a box of blue gloves in the bowling machine box). You must not use the bowling machine if you have not been trained to do so.
Many thanks for your cooperation and understanding. We will update these rules to ensure maximum availability of the club's facilities to members in line with any and all updates from the ECB.
Contact details
John Rolfe
Ian Murdoch
07976 297370
07525 911894