After a year off thanks to Covid, the annual dinner returned to The Boot on Friday 15th October.

Mark Dakin awarded the the 1st team Player of the Year award to Matt 'Hollywood' Brightwell
25 wickets at 13.16 and 247 runs at 20.58
The 1st team Captain's Award went to Mike Gillett who topped the 1s wicket list with 33 at 15.21
The 2nd team captain, Martin Harris, awarded the Player of the Year to Simon 'Fats' Martin who sadly could not be with us and so it was accepted on his behalf by Steve Bird on the basis that he was the only player in the club with more injuries than Fats.
272 runs at 45.33 and 16 wickets at 22.38
The Captain's Award went to Jov and Taj (decisive captaincy) but as Taj wasn't there, Jov gets it all to himself.
101 runs at 11.22 and 7 catches
The Young Player of the Year went to James Dow (14) who made 2 fifties, including 1 in the League and took a 7 fer.

In the absence of the Chairman, President Mike Stevens gave out special awards to Steve Bird for his contribution to the upkeep of the ground and to Peter Short who organised the first ever Bledlow Ridge Fantasy Cricket League and and provided some top quality photography through the season.
He also awarded the evening's principal award, the Clubman of the Year, to Oli White for an outstanding season organising the juniors
Shorty was no sooner back in his seat than he was back on his feet to award the Fantasy League prizes.
The winning team manager was Paul Cheshire, and the Fantasy League MVP was Mike Gillett.

.... and with all the minor stuff out of the way, the evening progressed to the reason everyone was there. Rolfie's alternative awards, reproduced in its full unexpugated glory here. Strap yourself in!